Semi-Automatic / Select Fire Rifles

M1 Garand

 “The greatest battle implement ever devised” – General George S. Patton.  

The semi-auto Rifle used by the majority of US GIs during WW II.

Famous for its distinctive ‘ping’ the sound made when the loading clip was ejected from the rifle when empty.

M1 Carbine

A similar designation as the Garand, but a completely different weapon. This light weight semi-auto carbine used a less powerful .30 cartridge, which was more accurate and allowed more ammunition to be carried.  Original meant for second line troops, it became popular as a front line weapon.

Kalashnikov AK-47

Original Soviet Military select fire rifle, copied Worldwide. Iconic banana shaped magazine makes it instantly recognisable.


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Mini 14

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M16 / AR 15

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