Bolt-Action Rifles

Mauser G98

The Gewehr 98 (translated it simple means Rifle 98) was the mainstay of the German army in WWI and evolved into the shorter carbine version K98 in WWII.  

Lee Enfield (SMLE)

SMLE is the shorthand designation used by the British Army stands and for Short Magazine Lee Enfield.  In typically irreverent style it was affectionately known by the squaddies that used it as the ‘Smelly’.

Mosin Nagant

The most numerous Bolt Action Rifle ever made.  Developed in 1891 for the Russian Military it has been used in almost all conflicts from WWI through WW II and into Korea and Vietnam. It can still in found in front line service today in Syria and Ukraine.  Close to 40 million have been manufactured.

Schmidt Ruben K31 

The classic Swiss military rifle.  Distinguishable by its ‘straight pull’ action and barrel shaped bolt handle.